I have always found it interesting, yet never really surprising, at how the thread of life is so perfectly woven to bring us together as we develop, grow and transform along our path.
I have made an agreement to be here to help you become a better version of yourself today then you were yesterday.
I have been studying and practicing holistic healing, energy balancing, and working with the land and soil in the most regenerative holistic practices my whole life. I have traveled throughout the states and across the known world learning from others who have come before me.
2023 – Primal Health Coaching Certification: the Primal Health Coaching Institute. https://www.primalhealthcoach.com/
2022 – QHHT / Quantum Healing Hypnosis Therapy. https://www.qhhtofficial.com/
1999 – HMI / Hypnosis Motivational Institute: Hypnotherapy 101. https://hypnosis.edu/
2020 – BioGeometry Advanced Certification: Doreya Karim, Laila Karim& Ibraham Karim. https://www.biogeometry.ca/home
2019 – BioGeometry Foundation Certification: Vesica Institute, Dr Robert Gilbert. https://www.vesica.org/
2019 – Activating the Human Energy Field: Methods from Ancient Egypt to the Present Day: Dr. Robert Gilbert, Vesica Institute. https://www.vesica.org/
2018 – Reiki: Certified Level 1 & 2. Los Angles CA
2017 – Permaculture Design Certification: KulKul farms, Bali Indonesia. https://www.greencampbali.com/kul-kul-farm/
2016 – BACH remedies Certified https://www.bachremedies.com/en-ca/
2016 – Biodynamics Intensive: The Rudolf Steiner College, Sacramento CA. https://www.demeter-usa.org/learn-more/course-work.asp , https://www.demeter-usa.org/downloads/Rudolf-Steiner-College-Catalog.pdf
2015 – ASNH / American School on Natural Health via the Naturopathic School in London England: Holistic Nutrition Certification https://www.americanschoolofnaturalhealth.com/
2015 – 2016 – Landmark Forum: The Foundation program, The Advanced program, The Self Expression and Leadership program, Communication Course – Access to Power, 10 week seminars on Mastering Money personal heath and 10 week seminars on Mastering Breakthroughs https://landmarkforum.com/self-improvement/
2004 – CSUN Graduate: Dual degree in Graphic Design and Marketing.
2000 – 2014 – Chaperoned camping trips and taught Nature Walks, Foraging and cooking with the season to 1st-8th grades.
1998 – Waldorf School graduate from Highland Hall Waldorf School – Los Angeles in Southern California.
For any questions or to book a session please email me at
The information provided is purely for educational and entertainment purposes. Individuals must use their own discretion, judgment and commonsense at all times and should not break any local, national or international laws. Under no circumstances will Samira be held liable or responsible for any direct, indirect, incidental, punitive, special or consequential damages arising out of the use of, or inability to use, the information she shares. If you have a medical condition or health concern, always consult your doctor. Samira is not a medical professional, counselor, or therapist, and none of her advice should ever be taken in the place of professional advice on any physical or mental health matters, relationships, or careers. When you agree to work with me you are joining the StandForOne Foundation and membership program.